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CELTA trainer, Teacher trainer, Trinity Cert TESOL trainer
Gill is a highly creative, dynamic and passionate teacher and teacher trainer, with years of international experience, including training in highly challenging contexts.
Gill has given teacher-training workshops and courses on language teaching methodology, creativity, culture and intercultural education, all over the world, as part of her work for Pilgrims, the British Council and various ELT publishers.
She has written for ELT magazines and regularly speaks at IATEFL and other international ELT conferences, where she has given both workshops and plenaries. She trained teachers on graduate teaching programmes, in the UK and mentored NQTs at the school where she worked.
Gill is an author of ELT books:
‘Culture in our Classrooms’ (Johnson & Rinvolucri: publ DELTA May 2010)
‘English For Everyone’ (Intermediate) Dorling Kindersley 2016
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