Orlando Delgado Mata

CELTA/Delta/ICELT Trainer and assessor

Orlando Delgado Mata has taught EFL at all levels. Deeply committed to teacher development and training, he has taken a significant number of courses, such as the Cambridge ICELT, the FCTBE, the IH CAM and Delta. Since completing the IHCOLT certificate, he has been interested in e-learning and so he is also in charge of running the online tutoring department at IH Mexico and is an e-tutor on language courses on NetLanguages.com, where he teaches General English and IELTS Preparation.

He ran IELTS preparation courses at International House Mexico from 2007 to 2009, being the main tutor on them and course developer. Apart from being a Cambridge ESOL Oral Examiner and TKT Practical Assessor, he is also a Cambridge ESOL TKT, CELTA, ICELT & Delta tutor.

He works as both a Delta Local Tutor for IH London & the British Council and an Orientation Course Tutor on the Distance Delta programme. He also is an authorised CELTA & Delta Assessor, in charge of assessing CELTA courses and Delta Module Two Candidates in North, Central, South America and Europe, as well as training up new CELTA and Delta tutors. He helped IH Guayaquil set up their ICELT centre in Ecuador, and has tutored at different CELTA and Delta centres around the world, such as IH Vancouver, IH San Diego, Sol Schools Miami, The University of Texas at Austin, IH Newcastle, and IH San Isidro.

He is currently involved in developing the new MA TESOL programme for IH Mexico, and is also an external assessor and consultant for the Ministry of Education in Mexico. He holds an MA TESOL (Teacher Education) from the University of Manchester and is now working towards his MBA from the University of Manchester. His main areas of interest are Teacher Education & Development, Online Training, and Psychology of Language Learning.


  • MA TESOL - University of Manchester


  • ICELT (In-service Certificate in English Language Teaching)
  • FCTBE (Further Certificate in Teaching Business English)
  • IH COLT (International House Certificate in Online Tutoring)
  • IH CAM (International House Certificate in Advanced Methodology)
  • Delta (Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults.)
  • MA TESOL (University of Manchester)
  • IHC (International House Certificate) trainer
  • IHCAM Trainer
  • CELTA Trainer
  • ICELT Trainer
  • DELTA Trainer
  • CELTA Assessor
  • Delta Assessor
  • ICELT Moderator
  • Experienced teacher trainer trainer and course developer
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