Приєднуйтесь до нашої спільноти — Great Grade Teachers!
Актуальні новини зі світу ELT. Анонси цікавих подій, методичні та викладацькі поради. Усе, що ви маєте знати про викладання англійської.
Запрошуємо викладачів англійської мови відвідати наші освітні події, адже ми регулярно проводимо різні заходи у форматі як онлайн, так і офлайн, як на платній, так і безоплатній основі.
На наших вебінарах, воркшопах та конференціях ми розбираємо актуальні й важливі теми у сфері викладання, а також ділимося нашим досвідом та найсвіжішими новинами зі світу ELT.
Ми також уважно слідкуємо за всіма новинками у світі викладання англійської, і залюбки поділимося ними з вами.
Ми пропонуємо професійний розвиток для викладачів різних рівнів кваліфікації, інтересів та сфер викладання, і будемо раді вітати на наших тренінгах та конференціях:
Мова усіх наших заходів — англійська, тому ми рекомендуємо реєструватися, якщо ваш рівень англійської Intermediate та вище.
Викладачам, які ще не мають міжнародної кваліфікації (наприклад CELTA або DELTA), наші вебінари та майстер-класи допоможуть отримати певне уявлення про те як ми працюємо та який контент надають наші досвідчені тренери.
Досвідченим викладачам з міжнародними кваліфікаціями буде цікаво ознайомитись з дослідженнями важливих та спірних питань у викладанні від наших професійних тренерів.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) — це кредо нашої команди викладачів та тренерів, і ми сподіваємось ви також розділите цю позицію з нами.
Триває реєстрація
The Curiosity Factor
In this practical and inspiring workshop, Jamie Keddie will explore the art of storytelling as a powerful tool for capturing students’ attention and keeping them hooked. You’ll discover three storytelling techniques designed to ignite curiosity, build anticipation, and encourage active participation in the classroom.
Дата і час:
27 березня 2025
16:00 – 17:10
449 грн
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Sounds good
In this session, you’ll discover how to make pronunciation an effortless and impactful part of your lessons without sacrificing time for grammar, vocabulary, or skills. Grzegorz Spiewak will show you simple strategies to boost your teenage learners’ speaking confidence through quick, engaging ‘pron’ activities that fit seamlessly into any lesson plan—sounds good?
Дата і час:
12 грудня 2024
16:00 – 17:00
449 грн
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In this session, we will explore how to identify and address the needs of all learners in inclusive classrooms. Many children’s challenges go undiagnosed or unreported, leaving teachers to recognize and respond. This talk will provide insights and practical strategies to help balance and support diverse learning needs effectively.
Дата і час:
26 вересня 2024
16:00 – 17:00
449 грн
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Augmented Reality in Language Education
This session explores how augmented reality (AR) enhances language education, offering hands-on experiences and practical applications tailored to participants' teaching contexts, empowering educators to integrate AR effectively.
Дата і час:
21 травня 2024
16:00 – 17:15
399 грн
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How AI is impacting on language teaching in and out of the classroom
If you are looking for an insight into how AI is impacting language learning or news ideas to try in your lessons, then this is the ideal talk: highly practical, based around tools that offer a free option, simple technologies, impacting a range of areas in the curriculum.
Дата і час:
18 квітня 2024
16:00 – 17:15
399 грн
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Using Task-Based Learning with Young Learners
In this practical session, we’ll look at some of the particular challenges of using TBLT with primary and secondary-aged students, examples of tasks which are developmentally appropriate, and how - and when - we can use these tasks to build our learners’ language.
Дата і час:
23 березня 2024
16:00 – 17:15
399 грн
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Engaging the students of 2024: Generation Z and beyond
In this session we will look at the three key steps of fostering learner engagement in teens: creating learner willingness to engage, triggering active engagement and then keeping our learners engaged, to ensure that a much higher level of learning is taking place. Come and find out why engagement is now being called “the holy grail of learning”.
Дата і час:
22 лютого 2024
15:00 – 16:10
399 грн
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Teaching Large Monolingual Classes
In this workshop, we will look at some of the benefits and challenges of teaching large monolingual classes. We will focus on common problems associated with this context - pedagogical, affective, and management-related, and look at possible solutions.
Дата і час:
07 грудня 2023
16:00 – 17:00
399 грн
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Do you speak 2023? Contemporary English and the Classroom
This session explores aspects of contemporary English pertinent to the ELT classroom and looks at how we can, should we wish to, introduce this into our teaching.
Дата і час:
12 жовтня 2023
16:00 – 17:15
399 грн
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How to help students improve their exam writing skills
While preparing students for B1 and B2 exams many teachers struggle to improve their students’ writing skills. They teach them how to write texts of different genres, check countless writing pieces, and write comments, but these don’t seem to be effective.
Дата і час:
23 березня 2023
16:00 – 17:00
349 грн
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Speaking Club is fun when it is properly done!
In this workshop, you will get a practical framework for English speaking clubs of all levels as well as a technical first aid kit for teachers.
Дата і час:
26 січня 2023
16:00 – 17:00
349 грн
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Task cycle: disintegrated teaching steps or meaningful connections?
In the workshop, we will look at what effective teaching (and planning) decisions to make to ensure a well-connected and meaningful task cycle and how to prepare and deliver contextualised instructions having in mind the end result; how to monitor purposefully and help students learn; what is evidence of learning and how monitoring informs feedback; how to provide feedback that feeds both back and forward.
Дата і час:
22 грудня 2022
16:00 – 17:00
349 грн
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How to survive teaching mixed-ability and mixed-level classes
In this workshop, we are going to share practical advice on how to adapt your coursebook for stronger and weaker learners, provide practical tips on classroom management and work organization in a mixed-ability class as well as explain our idea of assessing students in a mixed-ability class.
Дата і час:
24 листопада 2022
16:00 – 17:00
349 грн
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Crossing the Transition Bridge from Primary to Secondary
In this webinar we will talk about main development milestones of your Grade 5s, to what extent the current cousebooks meet their needs and how we, teachers, can help them bridge that learning gap between Primary and Secondary.
Дата і час:
28 жовтня 2022
16:00 – 17:00
349 грн
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Essays: Punishment or Reward?
We will consider the purposes for writing essays, types of essays, essay requirements and how to modify them according to the students' needs, giving informative and encouraging feedback to the students.
Дата і час:
30 вересня 2022
16:00 – 17:00
349 грн
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Meaningful, not just practice
In this workshop, we'll focus on practice stages of language lessons (grammar, vocabulary, functions) and will aim to answer what makes language practice effective, what range of activities could be employed to help students use new language, and how to skillfully manage practice stages.
Дата і час:
14 липня 2022
16:00 – 17:00
349 грн
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Teaching writing skills online
In this workshop we will share practical tips on how to teach an effective writing lesson to enable the learners to really practice and develop their writing skills.
Дата і час:
25 травня 2022
16:00 – 17:00
349 грн
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Workshop: Assessment for Learning
In this session, we will look at what basically assessment is and its main principles. We will touch upon the major types of assessment - formative and summative and discuss how make them effective tools in the learning process. What is more, we will cover the essential characteristics of tests make them effective tools of measuring your students’ progress.
Дата і час:
19 квітня 2022
16:00 – 17:00
349 грн
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Why it didn’t work: how to analyse a lesson that didn’t go your way
In this practical session, participants will examine a few case studies of real lessons which didn’t fully meet their aims in order to develop a better understanding of key teaching concepts, and will leave with a framework for self-reflection to help them more accurately look back on their own teaching so that they can grow even more than they already are.
Дата і час:
17 лютого 2022
16:00 – 17:00
349 грн
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Teaching writing to teenagers
Teachers know too well that writing isn’t something our students look forward to. It often requires lots of hard, tedious work; it is time-consuming. The problem becomes even more challenging if your class consists of rebellious teenagers. We are going to talk about the ways of humanizing the process of teaching writing to teenagers and combining some serious work with the elements of fun.
Дата і час:
21 грудня 2021
16:00 – 17:00
349 грн
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How our learning experience interferes with our teaching
In this training session we are going to look at common patterns that Ukrainian teachers practice in class, and discuss how effective they are, and whether there are better alternatives to what we are used to experiencing and doing ourselves.
Дата і час:
11 березня 2021
16:00 – 17:00
349 грн
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Teaching higher levels
In this practical session, we’re going to be looking at some of the important features of higher level classes, and how to address their needs so that they can reach their full potential.
Дата і час:
21 лютого 2021
16:00 – 17:00
25 лютого 2021
16:00 – 17:00
349 грн
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Подія завершилась
Post-fluency delayed correction revisited
In this session, participants will explore the art of delayed correction in teaching and learning processes, with a focus on language improvement and building learners' confidence. The workshop will cover principles, preparation, performance techniques, and post-performance strategies to effectively implement delayed correction in the ELT classroom, providing practical ideas to help teachers enhance their understanding and application of this essential aspect of language teaching.
Дата і час:
09 листопада 2020
16:00 – 17:00
349 грн
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Building good learning habits
In this session, we will get an overview of different learning strategies that our students can use, see how to present and teach these strategies to learners, and how to encourage learners to integrate these strategies into their studies.
Дата і час:
21 травня 2020
16:00 – 17:00
349 грн
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Getting learners speaking online
In response to the shift to online teaching, this session equips educators with effective strategies to foster speaking skills in virtual classrooms. Participants will gain insights into impactful speaking tasks and leave with practical activities, empowering them to engage students in meaningful conversations while teaching remotely.
Дата і час:
07 травня 2020
16:00 – 17:00
349 грн
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The rules you’re meant to break - going deeper into ELT
In this webinar, we’re going to look at some of the ”golden rules” of teaching that we learn early on in our careers and examine them critically from an evidence- and research-based perspective - and, in doing so, understand how we can better support our students in their lessons. Participants will leave with practical suggestions for how to interact effectively with and create learning materials for a variety of levels and contexts.
Дата і час:
10 вересня 2024
16:00 – 17:00
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Strategies for Success in Teaching YL and Teens
This webinar will debunk common stereotypes and myths about teaching young learners and teens through interactive discussions, offering methodological insights and professional development pathways for teachers.
Дата і час:
20 червня 2024
16:00 – 16:45
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Empowering Young Voices: Developing Primary Students Productive Skills
In this practical webinar, we will review a universal Grammar and Vocabulary lesson for primary students, which will equip you with hands-on ideas that work perfectly in the lesson and require minimum preparation from the teacher’s side. Together we will discover how to scaffold language production, promote fluency, and develop creativity in the classroom.
Дата і час:
04 квітня 2024
16:00 – 17:00
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Online ELT tools: a fresh perspective
In this webinar, we will explore the effective use of online tools in both online and offline classrooms, highlighting their impact on the learning process. We will also introduce newer platforms such as Diffit, Factile, and Blooket, which enhance lesson delivery for 21st-century educators and promote greater engagement.
Дата і час:
08 лютого 2024
16:00 – 17:00
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Teaching English for IT: challenges and opportunities
Whether you're an experienced English teacher looking to expand your skillset or a teacher or trainer considering teaching English for IT, this webinar will empower you to deliver impactful and effective English classes tailored specifically for IT professionals. Together, we will discover how to set clear goals, and define methods and techniques that will enable your students to have dynamic and immersive learning experiences in classes. In addition, we will take a look at tools that will help you conduct engaging classes and save your time for preparation.
Дата і час:
20 липня 2023
17:00 – 18:00
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Giving feedback: why, when, how
This webinar will provide practical recommendations on organizing proper feedback in your online lessons so that you and your students can benefit from it.
Дата і час:
25 травня 2023
16:00 – 17:00
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НЕметодична конференція
Усі квитки розпродано. Зверніть увагу! На жаль, запису цієї події не буде, наша конференція відбувається тільки офлайн.
Дата і час:
10 листопада 2024
09:30 – 18:00
вул. Антоновича, 50, Київ, 02000
4199 грн
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Grade Teacher Talks: Teachspiration
A dynamic annual event dedicated to the power of inspiration in education. With our 4 engaging sessions, you'll gain fresh teaching approaches, professional growth opportunities, and a burst of motivation for the new school year!
Дата і час:
22 серпня 2024
13:00 – 17:40
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Teaching Beyond: From Techniques to Efficacy
A one-day dynamic offline professional development event for English language educators. Investigate innovative teaching methodologies and strategies that go beyond traditional methods and increase educational efficacy.
Дата і час:
12 листопада 2023
11:00 – 17:00
Peremoga Space, st. Yaroslaviv Val, 15, Kyiv
2799 грн
Подія завершилась
Grade Teacher Talks: New Faces
Are you ready to make the upcoming school year a success? Learn from fellow educators and discover fresh perspectives. This is a one-day event featuring 4 exciting sessions that will provide you with practical insights, actionable techniques, and valuable resources that you can apply directly in your own classroom.
Дата і час:
22 серпня 2023
13:00 – 17:40
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Friends will be friends
This event is an opportunity to honour the unwavering dedication of teachers and showcase their incredible resilience in the face of adversity. Let's celebrate their achievements, learn from their experiences, and strengthen our commitment to supporting one another as we continue to shape the future of education.
Дата і час:
10 червня 2023
10:30 – 16:45
11 червня 2023
10:30 – 16:00
1189 грн
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Lessons for the Future
This conference is aimed at honoring teachers worldwide who continue to teach no matter what the circumstances are. This special event brings together the best speakers in the field of ELT who will share their on-hand experiences with all of you. 50% of all fees + donations from participants will be transferred to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Дата і час:
11 червня 2022
10:00 – 17:00
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Новини та статті для викладачів англійської
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