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Актуальні новини зі світу ELT. Анонси цікавих подій, методичні та викладацькі поради. Усе, що ви маєте знати про викладання англійської.
Webinar Speaker
Luibov is a highly skilled educator and language coach, currently serving as the Lead Educator at Softserve University. With over 12 years of teaching experience, including 4 years solely focused on the IT field, she has become a recognized expert in both General English and Business English instruction.
Luibov holds a PhD in Germanic languages and is certified as a neurolanguage coach by ELC. Her unique combination of academic knowledge and specialized training enables her to employ innovative teaching methods that align with the natural functioning of the brain, maximizing language learning outcomes. Her expertise within the IT industry allows her to tailor her instruction to meet the specific needs of professionals, helping them enhance their English communication skills.
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